Registration for Book Exhibition at 16th CODESRIA General Assembly

Please type this Form:

  • Book Exhibition registration / Demande de stand d’exposition

  • Contact person(s) at the stand / Responsable(s) du stand
  • Contact person(s) at the stand / Responsable(s) du stand
  • Maximum 100 words / Maximum 100 mots
  • NB: Stands come furnished with panels, 01 table, 02 chairs, display shelves, and lighting facilities.
    Le stand équipé comprend : des panneaux, une table, deux chaises, un rayonnage et un raccordement électrique

This registration covers the expenses for two participants, including registration fees, coffee breaks, lunches, two conference bags, and attendance of the closing Gala.

 Set up and opening hours:

Exhibitor stands will be set up on Sunday 03 December 2023 as from 04.00 pm. Stands will be dismantled on Friday, 08 December 2023, from 06.00 pm.

Opening hours for the Exhibition will be from 08.30 am to 05.30 pm every day from 04 to 08 December 2023.


The completed registration form and corresponding payment must be received by 06 November 2023.

Stands will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and no cancellation shall be accepted after 13 November 2023. CODESRIA reserves the right to reallocate stands booked but not fully paid for.


Kindly see the information note for participants.


Book Exhibition

16th CODESRIA General Assembly

Avenue Cheikh Anta Diop x Canal IV

BP 3304, Dakar CP 18524


Tel.: +221 76 608 75 06                                     


Web site:


WhatsApp RA(CTA)